Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Welcome to Whiskey Run Creek's Blog!

It's about Wine (WhiskeyRunCreek). It's about Nebraska (Brownville - no "s"). It's about time!

Oh, and drunken turkeys.
Of course, the drunken turkey is a bit of a mythical creature. But, I think I have seen them. Couldn't get close enough to smell their breath, but I know they started out in the morning walking two-by-two in almost perfectly straight lines and at the end of the day, well, grapes were missing and their lines looked more like a messed up square dance.
And maybe you know this and maybe you don't - but mother nature, with no help from humans, can make her own wine from grapes. Not all fruit can boast this feat.
Simple math then - Turkeys love grapes and grapes make wine. Easy mathematical equation with the calculated result .... Drunken Turkeys. We do try to card them.

Now at Whiskey Run Creek Vineyard and Winery, we use a different approach in our wine making we sell to non-birds. And you can visit our website to find out more.

But here, at this blog, we want to find out:
what you serve to eat with our wines
what was the good time you had with your friends and WRC wines
we want pictures
hey let's share recipes for our wines
Were you married here
Did you know Bob
We want to know about you and also share your stories

As a small winery, we greatly appreciate every one that puts our wine into their lives. And we hope you tell us about it here.

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Please keep your comments language and picture appropriate for all ages. WRC will attempt to respond to all messages, forgive us if we miss. Also, we are not suggesting all turkeys drink or get drunk nor do we encourage any animal to drink alcohol so no animals were harmed for this blog or at the winery.